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Projects in Denmark

Since Partner A/S was established in 2001, the company has been involved in a number of projects in Denmark and internationally.

Consultancy on a new link across Storstrømmen

Partner A/S fulfils the role of specific client consultant to Banedanmark and is responsible for ensuring that all Partner A/S’ relevant experience from the fixed link is incorporated, in particular for compatibility with the Fehmarnbelt project.

Tunnel in the Port of Copenhagen

A new road tunnel between the northern and southern parts of Copenhagen has been proposed in order to reduce traffic in central Copenhagen. Partner A/S has carried out preliminary investigations on behalf of the Realdania Foundation, the Port of Copenhagen and the Municipality of Copenhagen.

New beach area on Amager

The Municipalities of Copenhagen and Frederiksberg have, in collaboration with the County Council of Copenhagen (now known as the Capital Region) constructed a new beach and park area. On the coast of Amager close to the airport and to the fixed link across Øresund, the construction of an artificial island has created a new beach plus a lagoon area for recreational activities. Partner A/S assisted the client with the project management.

By & Havn and Metroselskabet

By & Havn I/S develops land in Copenhagen and Ørestad while Metroselskabet I/S is responsible for constructing Cityringen (the City Circle Line) and running the current Copenhagen metro. Partner A/S provides financial management services for both these publicly owned companies.

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Language: English