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3 November 2021

EU support for infrastructure expansion at Copenhagen Airport Station

Sund & Bælt has secured support of up to EUR 4 million from the European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency, CINEA, for the initial section of the planned expansion of the infrastructure around Copenhagen Airport Station in Kastrup. This follows the signing of the final agreement between both parties. Specifically, the support has been awarded for the planning and design of the project, which will improve railway capacity.

The railway across Amager to Copenhagen Airport and the Øresund Bridge is, despite the relatively short distance, one of Denmark’s most important transport links. Over the coming years, Sund & Bælt will expand the infrastructure around Copenhagen Airport on the Øresund line to provide scope for more passenger and freight trains. This is to prepare for the opening of the Fehmarnbelt link in 2029, when more trains, particularly freight trains, are expected on the line.   

"The support underlines the European Commission’s backing for the overall transport corridor, which will not only boost links between Denmark and Germany, but is crucial for future freight and passenger transport between Scandinavia and the rest of Europe. In this respect, the section will play an important role in supporting the green transition of the transport sector and the establishment of a green transport corridor with a fully electrified railway,” says Mikkel Hemmingsen, CEO, Sund & Bælt.  

The expansion project comprises two new platforms with an integrated passenger transfer solution to the airport and the adaption of rail tracks and points. The new platforms will be established next to the rail tracks north of the airport’s Terminal 3 between hotels and the motorway. Together with the two existing platforms under the airport’s Terminal 3 and the new points, track capacity can be increased, with more trains running on time.

The expansion of the infrastructure around Copenhagen Airport Station is expected to become operational at the end of 2025 and will benefit passengers, freight customers and the environment, with the railway providing a more attractive alternative for passenger and HGV traffic.

Facts about CINEA
CINEA was established in 2021 and plays a key role in supporting the EU’s Green Deal through the efficient and effective implementation of the EU’s delegated programmes.  Transport Infrastructure (CEF) is the pool from which the infrastructure at Kastrup Station will benefit.  

The CEF (Connecting Europe Facility) programmes contribute to the implementation of the Trans-European Transport programme (TEN-T) by funding key projects that upgrade infrastructure and remove existing bottlenecks while promoting sustainable and innovative solutions across Member States and modes of transport.

Language: English

Language: English