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The Øresund line

The Øresund line consists of approx. 12 km railway for passenger trains from Copenhagen Central Station to the Øresund coast, and approx. 4.2 km railway from Vigerslev to Kalvebodløbet and approx. 2 km railway north of the airport hangar area to the artificial peninsula Peberholm.

More than just a railway

The railway for passenger trains between Copenhagen Central Station and the Øresund coast is a double-track, electrified railway line, which runs in its own alignment from Copenhagen Central Station through the railway terrain to Sydhavnsgade, where it continues through a 1.6 km tunnel to Kalvebod. Here it merges with the railway from Vigerslev, before the track continues along a dam and a railway bridge across Kalvebodløbet.

On Amager, the rail line descends again and continues along a cutting to the covered station at Tårnby. From here it runs along a curring to the tunnel down to the station at Copenhagen Airport and then on to the Øresund Bridge. The line shares the 100 m wide alignment with the motorway at the section between Vest Amager and Kastrup, where the facility is embedded and the slopes are planted with oak, alder and ground cover plants.

The freight line

The Øresund line plays a crucial role in the transfer of freight trains between Norway, Sweden and the Continent, and once the Fehmarnbelt tunnel is completed, freight traffic is likely to increase significantly.

The freight line is a double-track, electrified rail line from the existing long-distance train network in Vigerslev and on to Kalvebodløbet, where it merges with the railway for passenger trains before the bridge over Kalvebod. Most of the freight trains that cross in transit can therefore be taken around Copenhagen Central Station.

The freight line is connected to Banedanmark's railway line in Vigerslev at Gl. Køge Landevej, where it is also connected to the new Copenhagen-Ringsted railway line. From here it runs along Valby Idrætspark and the allotment associations, under Båhavnsgade and on to Fiskerihavnen and Kalvebod, where it joins the passenger rail line. The total freight line section on the Zealand side is 4.2 km.

In future, the freight line is expected to play a central role in passenger traffic with Ny Ellebjerg as the hub station, from where a number of trains will continue on the 'freight line' towards Copenhagen Airport.

Language: English

Language: English