For nine years, I have worked as an engineer at The Great Belt Bridge. Prior to Sund & Bælt, I worked on construction of ventilation systems in a production company, and then I have been operation manager at RUC for some years. My job is to make sure that the technical installations on the bridge and in the tunnel are functioning.
The great thing about working at Sund & Bælt is our huge infrastructure. Here at Great Belt Bridge I get around the entire site, which is both huge and complex. I think that is exciting academically. We have an enormous amount of technology that needs to run in order for things to function smoothly for the many thousands of people who cross the bridge every day.
At Sund & Bælt, we as technicians get the opportunity to do things properly. We can think long-term when we design, but also when it comes to operations, and we can work with the optimal technical solutions because it is so critical that things work. It also provides a special security in the job, which I feel comfortable with.
Doing things properly is also rubbing off on the way we behave externally. Most of the operation and maintenance tasks are outsourced to private companies, and on a daily basis, I work closely with various external contractors. The fact that we work and invest long-term means that we have a good dialogue with our collaborators to find the optimal solutions. All major contracts are put out to tender so that everyone has the opportunity to bid for them, and we try as much as possible to make them fair and avoid making unreasonable demands. It supports a good collaboration and ultimately better results.
I think I have a fine work life. My salary is competitive, the workload is fair and there is a good balance in relation to family life. Here in my department we mind very much our own things, but we cooperate well across departments. I have good and engaged colleagues and I can always find an in-house specialist to spar with in case of a special problem. In recent years, more focus has been on creating a community across departments. I think that's great, so we can get an insight into what our colleagues are doing, and it could be that someone else at Sund & Bælt could help with a special problem.