The construction costs for the Øresund Bridge total DKK 14.8 billion in 1990 prices (corresponding to approximately DKK 25 billion in 2021 prices).
The entire construction costs, including interest, are repaid solely by the users, i.e. the motorists and Banedanmark and Svenska Banverket. In 2021, motorists paid DKK 1,078 million in bridge tolls while the annual fee for use of the railway totalled DKK 518 million.
At the end of 2021, Øresundsbro Konsortiet I/S’ interest-bearing net debt totalled DKK 8.8 billion. The repayment period is calculated at a maximum of 50 years from the opening in 2000.The Øresund Bridge and the Danish and Swedish landworks will, therefore, be paid for in 2050 The repayment period is unchanged compared to 2020.
The construction costs including interest is repaid by means of an annual remuneration from Banedanmark and by dividend payment from Øresundsbro Konsortiet I/S.
The construction cost for Øresund Landanlæg is DKK 5.4 billion. DKK in 1991 prices (corresponding to approx. DKK 8.9 billion in 2021 prices). The land facility includes both the Øresund motorway and the Øresund line to Kastrup.
In 2021, the remuneration from Banedanmark amounted to DKK 14 million. Øresundsbro Konsortiet I/S has not paid a dividend in 2021, as the dividend for the financial year 2020 has been suspended as a result of the state aid case and it is imknown at present whether the new decision from the EU Commission will have an impact on Øresundsbro Konsortiet I/S 'future dividend policy and thus on the repayment period.
At the end of 2021, A/S Øresund's interest-bearing net debt was DKK 11.5 billion.
For A/S Øresund, the repayment period is calculated at 47 years, which is 1 year shorter than last year's calculation, primarily as a result of a postponement of the dividend payment for Øresundsbro Konsortiet I/S as a consequence of the EU Commission's cancellation of the state aid approval. The debt will then be repaid in 2045.