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Our fixed links

Enhanced connectivity

Denmark is the land of bridges. As Danes we are fortunate to have long, beautiful coastlines with parts of the country separated by water. This makes bridges an indispensable part of our infrastructure.

We operate and develop vital transport systems: the Storebælt and Øresund fixed links and the upcoming Fehmarnbelt link.

Our fixed links


The Storebælt fixed link is a unique piece of engineering that belongs among the world’s largest bridge and tunnel constructions


The motorway and railway across Amager to Copenhagen Airport and the Øresund Bridge is one of the most important links in Denmark.


The Fehmarnbelt fixed link is part of the Scandinavian-Mediterranean corridor. The corridor is regarded as crucial for the European economy and links Europe’s growth centres from north to south.

The three great links

“We are always curious to know which technologies we can deploy to operate our links efficiently and at the right quality.”

Mikkel Hemmingsen, CEO, Sund & Bælt

Digitalisation contributes to optimised operations

We apply our fixed link expertise to developing complex digital solutions.

This means that we use advanced data-driven technology to maintain and extend the service life of the links.
