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Digital operation and maintenance

Digital solutions futureproof our infrastructure

Technology drives development

At Sund & Bælt, we have experts with over 20 years of experience in the construction, operation and maintenance of some of the world’s largest bridges and tunnels, including the Storebælt fixed link, the Øresund fixed link and the upcoming Fehmarnbelt link.

In addition to our many years of experience, we use advanced data-driven technology to maintain and extend the service life of our largescale infrastructure, including the fixed links and toll stations.  

Generations benefit from the infrastructure

In the autumn of 2020, a new assessment from Rambøll showed that the service life of the Storebælt Bridge can be doubled, and thus stand for more than 200 years. This is due to our work on optimised maintenance and use of data, digital tools and artificial intelligence.  

Major climate benefits

An extended service life also means major climate benefits. In terms of concrete and steel alone, we will save up to 750,000 tonnes CO2 by doubling the bridge’s service life.

We share our knowledge

Interest in these sizeable benefits can also be seen in the number of enquiries received by our subsidiary, Partner A/S. Partner A/S is in discussions with other infrastructure owners who are focused on service life extension as a tool in their climate action work. In this respect, we share our experience and results, which have been integrated into the digital industry solution, Maximo for Civil Infrastructure, which we launched in partnership with IBM earlier in the year.

We share our knowledge and to this end, our aim is for Maximo for Civil Infrastructure to assist infrastructure owners across the world in implementing more efficient maintenance and enhanced safety for their customers, while reaping the climate benefits from extending the service life of their facilities.

Did you know that....

We have a commercial consultancy and sales company under Sund & Bælt Holding A/S known as Sund & Bælt Partner A/S?

We provide consultancy as well as digital and data-driven solutions for infrastructure owners throughout the world.